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(作者: www.lietoufj.com 来源:hroot  采编:精英猎头  更新时间:2016-11-17 9:05:08 共有1339人次浏览)

(2016年11月16日, /HRoot.com/)根据德科希腊的“希腊2016年就业状况”调查研究,70%的企业家认为希腊的教育系统未能给该国的年轻劳动力提供在招聘市场竞争所需的技能。



德科希腊首席执行官Constantinos Mylonas评论说:“劳动力市场,不仅在希腊,而且在国际上,都发生了根本性的变化。现代世界的主要特征是创新、激烈的竞争、全球化、快速发展的步伐和不断的技术变化。许多10年前有用的技能现在则是过时的,并已被其他技能所取代。由于技术的发展和自动化的影响,对某些职位的需求也变化了,这几乎影响了现有所有的工作。”



Adecco research shows gap between talent demand and skill set

(Nov.16, 2016, /stuffingindustry.com/)According to new research from Adecco Greece’s ‘Employability in Greece 2016’ survey, 7 out of 10 entrepreneurs believe the Greek education system falls short in offering the country’s young workforce the skill sets needed to be competitive in the hiring market.

Data from the survey showed that 44% of firms surveyed found qualified candidates applying for positions available. Moreover, 39% of respondents felt that the education system does not prepare candidates properly for a smooth integration into the labour market. 
The survey also suggested that employers do not seem to be satisfied with the ability of candidates to solve complex problems as respondents stated that only 46% of candidates had this ability, while 76% of employers stated that this ability was an essential skill.

CEO of Adecco Greece, Constantinos Mylonas, commented: " The labour market, not only in Greece, but on the international level, has changed radically. The modern world has the main characteristics of innovation, intense competition, globalisation, and fast pace and constant technological changes. Many of the skills that were useful a decade ago are now considered obsolete and have been replaced by others. The demand for certain positions changed as a result of technological development and automation, which affects nearly all existing jobs.”

"In this ever-changing landscape, there is an urgent need for properly trained and constantly updated staff, so we can have businesses remain competitive in a very challenging environment and competing workers who can dynamically reclaim the professional future they deserve. Once again, the importance of efficient cooperation between educational institutions and the business community to develop appropriate skills in modern workers and candidates' emerges.

"Significant deviations are shown between what characteristics candidates believe they have and what employers see. The 'gap' should be closed to enable the modern candidates to identify and develop the skills they really need for the job market."


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